Artistic Solo
Dance applicants are required to submit a 60-second solo, in any style, showcasing their best technical and artistic abilities. They should wear form-fitting dance attire with hair pulled back and proper footwear (or barefoot). If you are performing a hip-hop or cultural dance form, you may wear the appropriate style of clothing.
The video should not be edited in any way and music should be audible.
When recording, make sure your full body can be seen in the frame at all times. Once you are satisfied with your recording, you may upload the video to YouTube under “unlisted” or upload the video directly in the Google form below. Make sure the video is titled your name and GPFAA Audition Solo. For example, if your name is Johnny Appleseed then the video should be titled Johnny Appleseed_GPFAA Audition Solo.
Please refer to the solo submission link below for submitting your solo.
Solo Submission Google Form Link
Deadline to electronically submit Solo Video:
In District Auditions Video submission due Monday, November 4th
Out of District Auditions Video submission due Monday, March 31st
*If you are in district and can’t attend Monday Nov 4th, then feel free to reach out and inquire about auditioning for out of district auditions*
Master Class/Audition:
In District - Saturday, November 9th
Out of District - Saturday, April 5th