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Audition Information

Middle School Audition Requirements

Incoming 6th Graders

  • You will only need to interview unless they have prior musical experience.

Incoming 7th and 8th Graders

Performance Requirements

  • Students should be prepared to perform two contrasting selections, which demonstrate techniques appropriate to years of experience on the instrument. 
  • Students should be able to demonstrate technique through the performance of the following major scales: C, G, and D (one and two octaves). 
  • Students should be able to demonstrate the ability to read music and will be asked to sight-read. 

Interview and Resume

A resume summarizing the student's solo/ensemble, All-Region, UIL, and other experience as well as other educational awards/honors. Please attach a current headshot or photo as well.

High School Audition Requirements

Performance Requirements

Incoming Freshmen

  • Students should be prepared to perform two contrasting selections from the UIL Grade l, ll, or lll list.
  • Students should be able to play two-octave scales and arpeggios in C, G, and D major. 
  • Students should be able to demonstrate the ability to read music and will be asked to sight-read. 

Incoming Upperclassmen (sophomore, junior, and senior)

  • Students should be prepared to perform two contrasting selections from the UIL Grade l or ll list. 
  • Students should be able to play two-octave or three-octave scales and arpeggios in major and minor keys up to 5 sharps and 5 flats. 
  • Students should be able to demonstrate the ability to read music and will be asked to sight-read. 

Interview and Resume

Each student should prepare a resume summarizing the student's solo/ensemble, All-Region, UIL and other experience in addition to their educational awards/honors. Please attach a current headshot or photo as well. 

Here is a link to the UIL page where students can access music selections for their audition