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About Our School


Extraordinary by design!


GPFAA is a school of choice intentionally focused on creating a unique school experience for the artistically and academically talented student.


The Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy, GPFAA, is a 6th to 12th grade, multifaceted campus that provides a rigorous academic environment while encouraging artistic excellence through integration with multiple arts disciplines and authentic assessment. Daily, GPFAA students study with a unique staff of professional educators, both academically and in the arts, who are also working artists with significant training and experience in their individual disciplines. GPFAA students engage in many enrichment activities and have multiple opportunities to showcase their talents.

GPFAA uses an application and formal audition process to select students to attend. These students are then enrolled in one of the seven strands of fine arts offered on campus.

GPFAA is proud to offer the following strands:

Students completing this curriculum will be prepared to enroll in an academic university, arts conservatory, or be ready to pursue a professional artistic endeavor.

School Hours

Drop Off Time

  • Class BEGINS at 8:50AM
  • Exterior DOORS OPEN at 8:00AM (50 minutes before class begins)
  • Supervision by Administrators begins at 8:00AM
  • Breakfast Available 8:00AM until 8:45AM

Note: GPFAA parents started a Facebook page where families can connect with one another for carpooling opportunities, as well as sharing information. “GPFAA Parents Info Group.

Pick Up Time

  • Class ENDS at 4:15PM
  • PICK UP by 4:45PM
  • Supervision by Administrators ends at 4:45PM
  • Tutoring 4:15 – 4:45PM. Supervision by Teachers until 4:45PM
  • Rehearsals 4:15 until over. Supervision by Fine Arts Directors until rehearsal’s end time.